Saturday, April 9, 2011

be inspired. no limits. I LOVE LIVING LIFE. I AM HAPPY


Credit to my Father for sharing this. Ba, if you're reading this i must tell you after watching this video, the 'idea gate' in my brain was opened and the ideas came flooding out. Nick is unbelieavable! Thanks for sharing and I HOPE we could share to a lot more people!
and if we fall in the process, we shall go back up ourselves. It's not the end. We shall try again and again and again....until we get back up!

Read the content and decide for yourself.. - the author - between 2000 minds

I noticed when i wrote the title and then wrote the content it turned out quite off topic everytime (except for the 1st post perhaps)

i'm a crappy writer, but this wasn't always the case. i remember i wrote quite good-to-kick-ass essays in my mother language as well as in English. probably this is because i had planned each essay, layout the key points i wanna touch and only then would start writing the essay. but i must admit that some of my kick-ass essays are just purely led by heart, followed by the brain.

as i aspire to be an author  i'm trying to improve on this and not just write ramblings and see the structure fallen out of places in my essays. Honestly i don't know who'll buy if the book is out (";). There's no target market, i don't write to be a millionaire, i write to share. I know up till now that i am the one and only reader of this blog but who cares? I'm practicing to write and this is a lot better to keep track than the traditional pen paper (or even harry-potter-style paper and quill, lol!)

I realised that everytime i write, i'll just touch about anything and everything that i could think of. this is not the right way for me to do this. anyway, i'd just sent a message in FB to my old teacher in high school asking her advice. i know from my part i simply has to focus (right now i'm writing with my muted headphones tightly gripping my ears - this must be a start). i also realized that i have too much parentheses ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) in my articles. must change the style a bit to get rid off them. perhaps i tried to explain everything too much everytime i mentioned something (e.g when i mention my old teacher, i wanted to elaborate on her). but then i fought the urge..
maybe if she reply, then i'd tell you how loving but strict and firm she is to her student, about a funny story of how she went up to the boys dormitory after i was missing in the class only to find me sleeping and i was really embarassed with her after that (took some time for me to act normal like nothing happen). ha! i just realized that i've fallen into the trap again. shall stay focused on the subject. TMI dude.. TMI! my friend can confirm how severe is my issue with TMI. he likes to keep it all to himself though, so most of the time i've no idea if he's dealing with anything or is it me being the jerk by never listening to him and just make everyhting about myself? nah i don't think so.. he likes to play things pretty close to his chest.

it seems like i can't stop writing at times. the ramblings keeps going on and on... what is the reasonable no. of lines/paragraphs anyway? does anyone know? i think if i prepare a plan on what to write and how long and stick to the plan, i'll be able to improve on the structure and produce a higher quality with reasonable length article. and i must stay focused. been reading about OCD for quite sometime now. maybe i need to see a shrink.. does anyone know / can recommend me a good one? oh i just remember "sajadah is where the booth is"

right, this shall be my last post in which i wrote the title first. come to think of it; "my issues on writing" or simply "writing issues" might be a suitable title. there i've cracked it. i've solved the title issue over an article.
and where's the comments? come on i used to read lotsa articles without commenting but where's the fun in that? if not you, then who? if not now, then when? (dang i'd probably just use my lots of other accounts and log in and leave a comment! (",) at least it's better than james' case. it's a classic fubar!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My first (real) job, after graduation

Feeling a bit melancholy tonight, so allowed myself to browse old files, listen to old songs, trying to reconnect with old friends.

anyway, after graduation, i was jobless for 2 months and God I swear it's a challenging period for me. I was real impatient (probably due to my inner desire that just want to prove myself, to whom?, who knows?) and driving my parents crazy. travelled back and forth KL-Penang for interviews and at last I landed 2 jobs offers (more on interviews & my job selection in the next posts).

I chose the offer in my hometown due to a lot of factors but mostly because I felt more confident with the job description (using a really familiar software to me), and so on June 15th, 2009 I started working as a Mechanical Design Eng in d****b Inc, (Sdn Bhd), and I was there for 31 days.
The company is basically a privately held company and in this case owned by 1 man. I remember asking the interviewer (which was my boss and direct superior-to be) if this is an American setup (due to Inc,) to which he explained no - (Sdn Bhd, but this is not shown in the ads anyway).
They design handphones themselves, for a niche market (security - encrypted phones) and it costs the customers a bomb for a mediocre device (mind you it looks and works like a previous generation Nokia phone, only with color screen). Not bad i supposed, a small company (30 employees) able to design their own phones.. the office environment? mix of western with marriage to the eastern feng-shui superstitious. e.g: fingerprint door locks & biometric access control system for punch card with an indoor fountain in the office. walls are painted green. dell workstation. nothing special. mediocre pantry. below-par toilet.

The phone was almost finished (they've produced a few prototypes so i didn't get a chance to be involved with the device design phase but i was tasked to design the packaging of which the device would be delivered to the customers. Since it comes with quite a hefty price tag, the allocation for the packaging alone is close to 100 USD. So the industrial designer came up with the conceptual design, my input wasn't required at all since he copycat the exact pelican box. i googled it and boy was i happy the first result is exactly what i was looking for! LITERALLY EXACTLY, with the same colour and design and all.. Of course the designer change the colour, add some 'creepy logo' (watching eyes and beak of a phoenix) parallel to the security-encrypted handphone they're designing.

but aside from a difficulty in performing my spiritual duties, these guys are a bunch of rude people (sometimes). In a meeting and during discussion, you should use a language where everybody understands and if you don't, then that's pretty darn rude! plainly as that. this is not about racial or anything, this is simply common sense and office etiquette + communication skills. am i to be blamed for not knowing their language? oh excuse me, they called themselves Malaysian but most of them couldn't even speak the national language  to a decent standard. and i don't bother to explain to them that they should use english as the medium of communication since Asians are not the type of people that'd accept constructive criticism. besides, this is common sense and too basic and the fact that they are not being thoughtful about this wears me off. my boss worked with panasonic previously, a giant japanese multinational company, not a fresh grad like i was.

and the owner of the company used to con his father-in-law's money in the bigger manufacturing plant he was managing prior to this setup. of course he wasn't prosecuted (family matters) but he used the money that he took to setup the company. since the company is not making money during that period, i feel bad about the source of it. i completed my task, resign (thursday) and went my way (friday). On Monday(July 19th) I start at a multi-national Russian-owned HVAC manufacturer in Kajang. 
I thank God there's no gap in my employment.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Maturity - Pessimist as opposed to childish - optimist

Feel like i'm more matured from i was years back. no more day dreaming, more planning in the real world.
But even the greatest plan is crap without  a proper execution.
And even with an average plan with a decent execution could work!
All in all, I love how Nike inspired people to 'just do it!'.
As Richard Branson himself emphasize in his book "Losing My Virginity", the only way to really learn about something is when you do it.
I suppose we do learn more from our lost. Might get lost in the heat of the winning sensation and all.
Anyway, reading about these inspirational people does help us in fueling our motivation and more importantly one wonders, how they accomplished all that?
We're all human, but we're not equal. Our attitude defines us.
It's time to win some or learn some then. life is short, make it worth living.. 1,2,3 GO!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The balance between creation and consumption

pheww... still can't get over the fact that i'm blogging.. never thought i'd have a blog.
(why am i doing this?
i supposed i'm challenging myself trying to make a fool of myself so when I do that then ppl don't have to do it for me anymore..saving them the trouble! damn i opened a twitter account for god's sake!)
nah i guess i'm embracing my newfound (back again) adventurous spirit!
("Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain)

i supposed this will be my online journal, i'll post a lot of junk here. or not. don't check it out! (i need to finish tons of work but just feel not doing for the sake of pissing of my boss since he pissed me off countless time and i chose to create a blog instead! but i don't want to make this personal and all dark and gloomy and all's draining my +ve energy!)

i have plans.. big plans (Mr. Trump said "if you're going to dream then you might as well dream big!)
really i've gotten so sick and tired of working for others and making them rich (they do leave the impression that they can''t do anything themselves, even simple things that for me even a no-brainer would be able to do it!, wonder where they have all the money, probably just guts, and lord knows my guts is way gutsier than them!)
so in a couple of months, with luck, i would implement all the plans that i'm thinking and planning right now. i hope i don't end up like this guy:
not that i think less of the guy but i would like him to be on his own (and instead of being self-employed, it'd have been nice if he could employ other ppl, and thus creating a system, and that sort of things.. borrowing Professor Yunus (Grammen bank founder and 2006 Nobel laureate) instead of being a job seeker, one should strive to be a job giver. (say this to yourself: "You are a job-giver! Not a job-seeker!")

right so i shall try to make this my online documentation of my transformation from the slightly negative (sometime), grumpy, depressed, selfish (am i), dishonest (a small time manipulator), antisocial to a fully positive me, happy, enjoying life every second, making each day and each breath count, more selfish (yes, sometimes i feel i'm too selfless, believe me you), more honest (big time manipulator/opportunist), and socially apt (i'll still do what i want, help the ppl i WANT to help for GOOD reason).
yes! amazing things happen when you say yes! say yes to a blog? yes! say yes to comment!

time to win some or learn some!

Monday, April 4, 2011

this shall be my first note.. (experimenting)

"nobody knows me i'm cold 
Walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own
It's the path I've chosen to go
Frozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever so"

damn this is eminem's space bound lyrics haha..

so anyway, i must admit i chose to be a bit of a psychopath sociopath. 
(a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour)
ok maybe not that much but to a certain extent it's true.
and now when i'm all alone here (in the middle of nowhere), i really long for nothing more than a company, a friend (it's a privilege, btw) that i can share stories, ideas, laugh and cry together. damn i'm starting to sound so insecure. (gotta grab hold of meself eh!)

so in hindsight, it does leaves a bitter taste in me.
i supposed in the future i shall be more human and less 'myself'..or not!
hah who's the joke on? damn pharaoh! no this is not about other ppl. this is about me & the world
i promise i'll try to make it more about the world (all those cliche of making the world a better place? yeah that so sound like me alright)
even if it sounds corny, would eminem give a damn?