Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The balance between creation and consumption

pheww... still can't get over the fact that i'm blogging.. never thought i'd have a blog.
(why am i doing this?
i supposed i'm challenging myself trying to make a fool of myself so when I do that then ppl don't have to do it for me anymore..saving them the trouble! damn i opened a twitter account for god's sake!)
nah i guess i'm embracing my newfound (back again) adventurous spirit!
("Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain)

i supposed this will be my online journal, i'll post a lot of junk here. or not. don't check it out! (i need to finish tons of work but just feel not doing for the sake of pissing of my boss since he pissed me off countless time and i chose to create a blog instead! but i don't want to make this personal and all dark and gloomy and all negative..it's draining my +ve energy!)

i have plans.. big plans (Mr. Trump said "if you're going to dream then you might as well dream big!)
really i've gotten so sick and tired of working for others and making them rich (they do leave the impression that they can''t do anything themselves, even simple things that for me even a no-brainer would be able to do it!, wonder where they have all the money, probably just guts, and lord knows my guts is way gutsier than them!)
so in a couple of months, with luck, i would implement all the plans that i'm thinking and planning right now. i hope i don't end up like this guy: http://www.mlive.com/jobs/index.ssf/2011/03/hire_me_self-employed_west_michigan_man.html
not that i think less of the guy but i would like him to be on his own (and instead of being self-employed, it'd have been nice if he could employ other ppl, and thus creating a system, and that sort of things.. borrowing Professor Yunus (Grammen bank founder and 2006 Nobel laureate) instead of being a job seeker, one should strive to be a job giver. (say this to yourself: "You are a job-giver! Not a job-seeker!")

right so i shall try to make this my online documentation of my transformation from the slightly negative (sometime), grumpy, depressed, selfish (am i), dishonest (a small time manipulator), antisocial to a fully positive me, happy, enjoying life every second, making each day and each breath count, more selfish (yes, sometimes i feel i'm too selfless, believe me you), more honest (big time manipulator/opportunist), and socially apt (i'll still do what i want, help the ppl i WANT to help for GOOD reason).
yes! amazing things happen when you say yes! say yes to a blog? yes! say yes to comment!

time to win some or learn some!

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